Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Still behind the times!

Phew - nearly published a blank blog page!
Monday 28th
Despite assurances from the camp site that tomorrows general strike won't have a big effect we decided to go shopping at the nearest Carrefour to keep us going until the end of the week. Our mail has arrived but we are waiting for a delivery from Amazon as we have almost exhausted our stock of books and are reduced to reading authors we would not normally touch by swopping the books with passing Brits! Spanish bookshops that sell english books are not afraid to ask for money so buying from Amazon is cheaper. The weather has returned to normal service and its really very warm by day and night. Still should not complain as it it more fun than the rain.

Tuesday 29th

Went over the ridge behind our village and into the Ebro valley. That's a climb of over 2000 ft on a road that winds up the face of the ridge. Poor little Fiat.
Still the run on the other side was like a day out in a very sunny Dales or White Peak. At the end we found the Bodega Irache. And the fountain of wine (and water) - both free - for the pilgrims on their way to Santiago as one of the routes passes the bodega. We wandered into the offices and were served by the Export Manager no less. She spent a year improving her English in Manchester (?) so was really pleased to meet some northerners. The wine's good as well but what it costs in the UK I dread to think.
We then went into Estrella/Lizarra and had a drink in the square (non-alcoholic) and watched people stream out of a funeral at the church opposite. Very informal it was with at least one pall bearer wearing shorts. Certainly black seemed to be very limited except for the young woman in a little black number. Wandered around the town to see the sights in the "zona monumental". It was a fiesta in one part of town with pony rides for the children as went in one direction. Heading back it had changed into a strange affair where a young calf on a long lead seemed to chase the young kids arounfd the square. Very odd.
As we headed back through the town towards the very impressive bus station and car park we stumbled across 100 or so protestors carrying placards denouncing the Governments austerity measures and changes to the labour laws. Not a mass protest but they were facing half a dozen cops dressed for riots (crash helmets, shin pads and one guy carrying a tear gas/rubber bullet shotgun). Seemed overkill as they were in turn watched by local cops who seemed much more relaxed. And so back home as Spain dug in to watch the World Cup and beat Portugal - good result.

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