Friday, June 11, 2010

The Green Coast

Well we are now in the "Principality of Asturia" on the edge of town called Cudillero.
we left Santiago yesterday as it started to rain and it has not stopped since. We knew this was called the "Green Coast" and therefore rain was possible but its June and we travelled hopefully. We sort of guessed things were not all well as we worked our way along the coast and from some of the viaducts could see below us swollen anf flooded rivers. Then in places the rocks/earth in the cuttings had slipped and all that kept them off the road were the crash barriers/metal netting draped over them for exactly that purpose. And it was slow as the motorway is not complete so the road works kept the speed on the old road down to 20-30mph. And I did
recall at every Cabinet in the Community someone would come along and say "the road outside my house is the worst in the World/Europe". They were wrong the N643 is the worst road we've used and it is dreadful. Nothing in Lancashire was as bad.
Still we eventually arrived at our site and the poor man on reception looked like he was going to die of fright. When I pointed out we were only 8 metres long he calmed down a bit (having said by email he could cope!). Allied to the fact that he did not have much English (or any other language but Spanish) but I could understand him. He decided not to put us on the grass pitches but leave us on a metalled road way so we did not sink. The fact I got the van in position and turned to face the exit without doing any damage clearly impressed him.
So we are here and not moving as the next site may not be quite so firm(!) as the weather all along this coast is dire and expected to remain so. Last night we watched a large group of Dutch caravanners celebrate someone's birthday in the covered barbecue area. And four elderly French campers (yes tents) give up and sleep in their cars. I was sure the site guy would have let them rent one of bungalows if they had asked. Still proves age is no bar to hardiness - or stupidity.
This morning was drier or rather the rain just became drizzle most of the time so we did the shopping and went to explore Cudillero. Its quaint and narrow lying at the bottom of a ravine next to the sea. I bet its really pretty but the rain came back so I reserve my judgement. We retreated back to van but stopped to look at the RENFE narrow gauge railway and expected to sort of romantic but efficient train. Well it was efficient but not romantic. It was a very modern two coach train, very much newer than the Preston to Ormskirk trains or even the Liverpool to Ormskirk electric trains. Still the route is supposed to be tremendous for the scenery when its not raining.
And to prove how bad it is even the cats who like to see new sites and sights can't be bothered even asking to go out. If it keeps up we'll be stir crazy or deaf from the raining hammering on the roof. Or both. Ahh sunny Spain!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. at this point my envy begins to wane! hope the weather improves for you.
