Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Mediterannean coast

Oh well that was a cold night up here in the mountains. So we slept in!
We were gretted just before lunchtime to a truly amazing display of vultures and I do hope I can get the pictures up soon. It was like Autumn Watch - but the exotic experience!
Had lunch and drove down to Ainsa. The new town by the river is useful for shopping so we did. But the Old Town at the top of the hill is wonderful if small! It boasts a castle held by Moors and Christians and was apparently one of the first places "liberated" in Aragon and a stout centre of fighting back against the Moors. Probably a little local licence in that and the usual "old" Spanish attitude to the Moorish reign - ie it was a bad thing. The streets were largely empty and the square has three cafes all fighting for custom so we went to the smallest and busiest! Nice sitting in the sun drinking coffee if wrapped up in fleeces! Bought a mug with Ainsa on to support the local tourist shop.
Next morning headed south and west to the coast. Passed the base of Opus Dei which is an enormous building on the far side of the lake created by the dam near a place called Barbastro. Looks like a cross between a medieval fort and a monastery, which is perhaps the look they were looking for. Finally made Sitges which is down the coast from Barcelona. Nice enough site which is full of Spanish families using their static caravans for the weekend. They have set ups of caravan plus awning plus pergola and anything else that they can fit on the pitch. Its a really lively atmosphere. We are parked next to a huge Finnish reg motorhome which seems to owe more to a horsebox than anything else.
Sunday dawned really windy and some of the complicated Spanish arrangements suffered as the wind tore some of the fabric to ribbons. As the day passed the Spaniards packed up and went home and the site became very quiet. Monday was calmer so we did the very necessary shopping and wandered around Sitges. Its a nice place - at this time of year! The restaurants are either cheap and not so cheerful or very nice looking but expensive and the cafes are almost grateful for your custom. Its like Brighton but with a sandy beach and sunshine.
We went down the road to Tarragona on Tuesday. The weather was cloudy and cool (14C) but it was a fascinating place with Roman ruins at every turn. A theatre down by the beach, a forum in the town centre and bits all over the city as well as each site having its own population of cats. Had lunch in a backstreet cafe with the locals in an attempt to keep warm and yet not spend too much. It was actually very good if simple.
Wednesday was the original day to move or go to Barcelona but in the end we did neither. The Finnish guy spent so ong saying bye to his British neighbours and we all stood around chatting until 11:30. Too late to do anything but tidy up and do a bit more shopping for essentials and a new kitchen rug. Got it all eventually. Came back to find a large German van parked across our satellite "line" but to my surprise it still works. So tomorrow we will be moving south to around Valencia.

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