Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cabo De Gata

Been here for almost a week now and very quickly settled life adopts its own pattern.
The site has its own life in more ways than one. Firstly there are the people from last year - but fewer of them than then. Maybe its a sign of the recession that there are fewer people than last year. Its also clear that the tensions between the pro and anti cat groups are sharper. The site may have fewer people but the number of cats and particularly kittens is up. The kitten tribe contains some that would be snapped up under any other circumstances - including Katie's double and a passable Siamese!
But stranger still is our "pet" fox. Seen him for the first time tonight but heard stories from some of the people who have been here for a few weeks. It has an injured paw but has with typical fox skill spotted an opportunity and become friendly with the humans so he gets fed. He looks better than many an uninjured fox arounf here I suspect. And I'm told he ignores the kittens who would be too much work when there is food around.

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