Thursday, October 1, 2009


A quiet day today - except for Max's "swearing session" with the local site cat. the site does not allow dogs so this she cat thinks the whole site and eveerything on it is her personal property. Max did not quite see it her way and a "frank but comradely exchange of views" took place. She eventually stalked off having slashed at both Lynda and I when we walked towards her. Clearly a proper little madam.
After a morning of grocery shopping and lunch we fought off the idea of going to sleep and instead went to see the local attraction, the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Montenero.She is credited according to the pictures in the sanctuary with saving thousands from disasters of all kinds - storms at sea, coach crashes of all kinds over several hundred years, fires, wars - you name the disaster she has been the hero. But all around the sanctuary is proof that even Jeremy Clarkson can get things right. I love the programme but his views are dire generally. But he once said if you want to collect really really awful souvenirs go to a shrine of the Catholic church and look around the stalls outside. He's totally right. Madonnas of all sorts and saints of all kinds in plaster and plastic that light up/glow in the dark/ follow you round the room with their eyes - you imagine it and it can be bought in the square at Montenero Alto.The sanctuary shop is only slightly better as i saw not light up statues.
Still the campsite know how to charge - 2 euros an hour for internet access so these are off line rants. Still all i will have to do is be a careful farmer.

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