Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Of course as an ex-politician I should be careful about making promises. I did say I would keep this blog up to date but then the storage unit got wiped out and I sort of lost focus as we went through all the stuff we had lost. Still we can't do much about it and have to live with it. The stuff we both miss most is all the things we could never replace - pre-travel photos and other souvenirs as well as the souvenirs we have collected over the last two years. All we have left are a moroccan rug, Arab scarves, a plant (living at Lynda's mums) and the little cat.
But as we are still here I am beginning to become really depressed about the way this country is going. I made the mistake of listening to Jeremy Vine at lunchtime - well until 1.00pm - and I am amazed how a guy who clearly takes his facts from the "Daily Mail" manages to be so universal in the BBC. Mind you his phone in people are generally even worse. We have become a nasty, narrow minded society where ME is the most important thing in the world and if a policy does not benefit me then it is BAD. And after 13 years in power the Labour Government seems to have made it worse not better if the poll in yesterday's Guardian is right. We have forgotten that there is such a thing as society and social justice is what we were supposed to be about. but rather than attack the right wing Murdoch press and the picture they have created of the poor ( all living high on the hog off benefits watching Sky on their 42"widescreen TV's) we have pandered to it.
And now we and the country are reaping the whirlwind. Education is being privatised - universities first but more will follow. The poor are being excluded because a policy we introduced is being taken to its limits with student tuition fees or maybe beyond and EMA's are being slashed. NHS and social care spending will be limited and the most vulnerable will suffer. The problem is that social care spending was often insufficient under Labour and this lot will make it worse - much worse. And the Labour party did not even interview me for the Saddleworth seat - pah!! And I would not want to be a District Council given some of the people on West Lancashire Labour Group (oh and the MP as well). And I can't even read my little red book - it went up in flames.