Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cabo de Gata II

Well two weeks plus and we are getting into a habit.
The weather is generally sunny but we have had one wet day and some days and nights of strong winds. No serious damage but the flagpole is a little shorter now!
It is odd to arrive somewhere thousands of miles from Lancashire and know the roads so well I can even predict the potholes even the ones they have repaired. Life of course is never smooth and the latest event here is not good. One of the regulars and our neighbour from last year Hans (Sweden) who travels with his severely disabled wife, Lena, tried to ride his bike back from reception carrying a gas bottle and fell off. He's now in the local hospital unconscious with a brain bleed and his wife is also in hospital being cared for as nobody else knows her routine. Everybody here is shocked.
Meanwhile the local "wildlife" is getting used to all of us humans. The fox is getting better but gets mugged by some of the camp cats if he isn't quick with his food. The flamingos are in the lagoon and we have been adopted by one of the camp cats who is Max's little twin. She is working hard at being adopted as she fusses, sits on laps and generally works at being a little sweetie.